Unplanned pregnancy, like any unexpected event in life, triggers mixed feelings and thoughts, sometimes confusing and overwhelming. You are now thinking: What can I do, what should I do, what do I need to do?

Only you will determine the answers to these questions. At Bloom Pregnancy Help Center, we believe that women are capable to choose the best answers for themselves.

We believe in empowering YOU to make decisions brought about by a well-informed thinking process. All we do is listen and provide the facts you need to know about your options.


Abortion? What should I know before making up my mind? Abortion is a serious medical procedure to terminate an existing pregnancy. Each type of abortion method has important risks to consider. Before deciding on abortion, it's essential to get informed about those risks and side effects.

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Many women have preconceived ideas about adoption. We want to clear up any confusion about the process. Adoption has greatly improved over the years, and mothers have lots of input when it comes to the decisions of an adoption.

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Parenting could seem like an impossible option when initially faced with a positive pregnancy test. It's not an impossible choice when connected to the right support system. You could be pleasantly surprised at how much support is out there as well as free resources to help you in your journey.

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